Sunday, November 11, 2007

Who's Blog?!?!

Alright everyone, I know you are all dying to know who the owners of such a page could be? And why in the world would they title it "Blast from the Past"? It's really quite simple.. and here is our story. So once upon a time there were two darling girls that were not only cousins, but were very best friends. They had quite the adventures over the years and a lot of good times were had. Slowly over time all of their friends started this thing called "blogging" and telling the two girls to get on the ball and start their own pages. Well these two girls couldn't think of a darn thing they would put on their own pages, but if they came together, they would have oodles of fun to share with everyone. So there you have it. Mikelle Hill and Nicole (Allen) Bradford have started their own page devoted to entertaining you all with their goofiness and fun, exciting lives.


Jordan said...

hahah i love it guys! it's about time you jumped on the bandwagon!!!

Zach and Erika said...

I seriously am glad you started this Blog. It's so cute, I love it!